To compete at the level Veronica has achieved comes with a high cost financially. We believe in true transparency and this page is just that. What our costs are, where they go & how you can contribute.
For the 2024 Jr Pan American Games the costs go to:
Local friends, we can pick up your used bottles, return them & put all moneys collected towards her costs
A copy of the follow up letter/email sent out at the beginning of August:
This is a follow up email to the letter/email your business received in early July about sponsorship of a local athlete named Veronica Palmer. You can view our original sponsorship letter here on our website
I am her mother, Heather & wanted to answer a few questions we have been receiving about this opportunity for Veronica.
If you have more questions please ask, we look forward to hearing from you & how your business can help Veronica on this journey to the Jr PANAMERICAN Championship Games.