We All Have the Same 24 Hours
We All Have the Same 24 Hours
I did it! I completed my 7th workout program in a year. This one was by far the hardest I have done to date. 13 weeks. 90 days. And yes I am stinking proud of myself. And this post is going to slap you in the face. Tough love time. If you can’t handle the heat, leave the kitchen now. You have been warned. See…. we all have the same 24 hours. It’s what you choose to do with them that counts.
This program wasn’t about developing show muscles, or losing weight. It was for me about strengthening my flexibility, mobility, range of motion & tackling the inner dark parts of my mental health.
I started this program August 9, 2021 and here we are on November 6th, 2021 and I am done. I mentioned in my IG stories that all the people who were watching me then are still watching me today & this could be their celebration if they had said yes to their health.
We All Have the Same 24 Hours
I was so stoked to start this program. I had asked a lot of people to join me and many said no. The top reasons were:
- I don’t have the time to commit
- I have a physical limitation
- It looks too hard
Well.. now here is the part of this post where it gets tough. So … I am warning you now.. leave if you can’t handle some tough love.
It was not hard. Our bodies will only go where our minds go. I had to trust my trainer, trust the process and trust my body would respond in ways it was designed to. And yes my body delivered. Disfunctions I never knew existed in my shoulders & hips were pointed out & corrected. This program got easier because my mobility got better. And it pains me to hear women talk down about themselves. Sweetheart – you are so much stronger then you give yourself credit for!
We all Have the Same 24 Hours
Physical limitation? Um.. I have no meniscus in my left knee, that means it is 100% bone on bone in that leg. PAIN CITY EVERY DAY. So yes, some moves I had to modify and that is a-ok. I live with chronic pain of degenerative osteoarthritis in that leg on top of that pain. This program took the exercises that physical therapists use in rehab and reverse engineered it to make it preventive. Work on that mobility so you won’t injure yourself. And yes I am stronger in my leg as a result of this.
The #1 reason for people not joining me was time. They all said they didn’t have the time. Yet somehow… each of those persons found the time EVERY SINGLE day to watch my progress on my Instastories. The average person spends 145 minutes a day on social media. I only asked for 45 of those minutes a day.
Some said the commit of 13 weeks was too much as they had too much going on in their life. (insert big sigh) My life has been crazy. The last 13 weeks have been insane. Let me breakdown the stresses I faced in the last 90 days. Not to brag.. but to show you we all have the same 24 hours and how we use them tells a story.
Between August & November, 2021 I have had to deal with:
- Back to school rush with 2 kids ( Middle & Jr High School)
- Back to work routine
- The stress of the 4th Covid Wave
- The first day back to work 2 parents threatened me
- I have had sick kids with vomit on my bus
- My bus broke down on a highway with kids present
- I had a stalker follow my route one morning in the dark
- Almost been hit by multple deer
- 2 children were suspended off my bus in the first week back to school
- It’s sooo dark when I leave I stress over the safety of each child boarding my bus
- My hubby had a birthday
- We had Thanksgiving AND Halloween
- I had breast surgery in which a lump was removed & I had the post surgery recovery to deal with
- My daughter made Comp Crew for karate which added 2 extra nights out to our already 3 nights out a week for karate and now takes one Saturday a month out
- I had a bout of food poisoning
- An IBS flare up as well
And I know I am forgetting more.. but you get my point. LIFE IS CRAZY. Life will never slow down, there will never be a right time, a better time or a calmer time. EVER.
And to add in the mental struggle of showing up. I was not motivated every single day of the last 90. There were day’s I went back & forth listing every reason to NOT workout. But when I have goals to be a better human. Learn how to show up better in life. This space I give myself every day to workout is where I can put those tools to practice. If I can prove to myself I can do pushups or cleans or over head carries I can do the hard things in life. I said yes on August 9, and here we are 90 days later. The time was going to go by anyways. Least with me saying yes to myself, I don’t regret where I am today and that is in a different space, better body then I was 13 weeks ago.
If you don’t make the time for your health today. You will soon be forced to make time for your illness tomorrow. #enoughsaid
If you need a new routine hit me up with a message & let’s chat. I can set you with the same tools I use everyday since 2018!