2024 is the year of the REBRAND. Keep this page bookmarked for what that will look like as the year goes on.


I have a love hate relationship with social media. Between bitchy keyboard warriors, algorithms, character limitations & overwhelm I have decided to put all my schtuff here. One space, no community guidelines to worry about & I am not at the mercy of a nerd in his mom’s basement shadow banning me. Have patience too as I am just starting so their aren’t many posts(yet) & some older ones need some major over hauling in the cleaning department.

Grab Your Coffee & Get Lost Inside my Brain

Easy Summer Morning Routine

Whether you are a morning person or not, I have found 4 simple tasks I do each morning during the...

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Pre Baby Body? No Thank You!

I was pregnant, twice in my 30's, and all I heard through out both pregnancies is - don't worry your...

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We All Have the Same 24 Hours

We All Have the Same 24 Hours I did it! I completed my 7th workout program in a year. This...

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Stuck In a Weight Loss Plateau, Try These 3 Easy Steps

Stuck In a Weight Loss Plateau, Try These 3 Easy Steps Weight loss is hard, keeping it off is hard...

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Farting, Bloating & Acne Oh My

  5 day email series on Gut Health and basic action steps you can take this week towards feeling your best!

Stop! I'm Heather

Just in case you landed on this page & have no clue who the author is. That’s me. Heather – the crazy lady in hoodies, drinks WAY too much coffee who is trying to make a go at it by blogging what I like to talk about. 

Explore by Category
tips I have learned along the way of running a home based business
sharing my journey with foot & fitness
from how to take photos to sharing my clients
women things, parenting & human sense....
blog posts I have poured my heart into & just love